In the land of quick money schemes, Sabinus and Bismark learned the hardest lesson of their lives, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! One hot afternoon, the two friends met, broke and frustrated. From nowhere, a man came to them and introduced to them an agent that can help them make fast money, Bismark behaved like he was not interested.
“Relax, bro. I hear there’s a big man in town who can double our money in five minutes,” Bismark whispered. The moment Sabinus heard “double money,” his eyes lit up. “Five minutes? That’s my kind of investment!”
But unknown to each other, both Sabinus and Bismark secretly planned to go behind the other’s back to cash in on this golden opportunity. They each rushed separately to meet the so-called big man, Mr. Smart.
Greedy and excited, both handed over their money, dreaming of riches. But five minutes later, Mr. Smart was nowhere to be found! Sabinus looked around in confusion, only to spot Bismark. “Ah! he do you too?”
Bismark gasped. “You too?! So you wanted to pass my backdoor?!” Sabinus yelled, “And you wanted to pass my own first! Now we are both broke!”
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